
Settings for rtorrent can be changed in rtorrent_directories.config/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc.

"Settings, changed by the user through the "Settings" panel in ruTorrent, are valid until rtorrent restart. After which all settings will be set according to the rtorrent config file (/config/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc),this is a limitation of the actual apps themselves."

To set a password for rutorrent add the auth configuration to rtorrent_directories.config/nginx/nginx.conf, see here for more information.


Variable Type Default Comment
rtorrent_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable the application
rtorrent_tag String "latest" Tag to use for the docker image
rtorrent_directories.config String "{{ docker_home }}/rtorrent/config" Path were application config should be stored
rtorrent_directories.downloads String "{{ charjabox_downloads_directory }}" Path were downloads should be stored
rtorrent_traefik_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable access to application via Traefik
rtorrent_domain String "rtorrent.{{ charjabox_domain }}" Domain used to access the application
rtorrent_http_port Int 7991 Port used to access the application via HTTP
rtorrent_https_port Int 7992 Port used to access the application via HTTPS
rtorrent_scgi_port Int 5000 Port used for scgi socket
rtorrent_bittorrent_port Int 51413 Port used for torrent protocols
rtorrent_bittorrent_port2 Int 6881 Port used for torrent protocols