
Airsonic - Free, web-based media streamer, providing ubiquitous access to your music


After enabling Airsonic, immediately visit the Webinterface (default port 4040), login with admin:admin and change the password. All settings are changed via the Webinterface.


Variable Type Default Comment
airsonic_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable the application
airsonic_tag String "latest" Tag to use for the docker image String "{{ docker_home }}/airsonic/data" Path were application data should be stored
airsonic_music_directory String "{{ charjabox_music_directory }}" Path were music files are stored
airsonic_traefik_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable access to application via Traefik
airsonic_domain String "airsonic.{{ charjabox_domain }}" Domain used to access the application
airsonic_port Int 4040 Port used to access the webinterface