
Nextcloud - Selfhosted cloud file hosting & sharing

After starting up Nextcloud, visit the Webinterface to finish setup.


Variable Type Default Comment
nextcloud_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable the application
nextcloud_tag String "latest" Tag to use for the docker image
nextcloud_db_tag String "latest" Tag to use for the database docker image String "{{ docker_home }}/nextcloud/data" Path were application data should be stored
nextcloud_traefik_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable access to application via Traefik
nextcloud_domain String "nextcloud.{{ charjabox_domain }}" Domain used to access the application
nextcloud_admin_username String "nextcloud" Username for the first admin account
nextcloud_admin_password String "" Password for the first admin account
nextcloud_db_password String "" Password for database account
nextcloud_db_rootpassword String "" Password for database root account
nextcloud_smtp_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable Mails via SMTP
nextcloud_smtp_host String "" SMTP Host to connect to
nextcloud_smtp_secure String "ssl" Either "ssl" or "tls"
nextcloud_smtp_port Int 465 SMTP Port to connect to
nextcloud_smtp_authtype String "LOGIN" SMTP Authentication Type
nextcloud_smtp_user String "" SMTP User
nextcloud_smtp_password String "" SMTP Password
nextcloud_smtp_from String "{{ charjabox_email }}" From: Header
nextcloud_smtp_domain String "{{ nextcloud_domain }}" Domain to send Mails from
nextcloud_port Int 8380 Port used to access the application