
Gitea - Git with a cup of tea

Visit http://$YourIP:$YourPort/install after activating Gitea to complete the installation process.


Variable Type Default Comment
gitea_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable the application
gitea_tag String "latest" Tag to use for the docker image String "{{ docker_home }}/gitea/data" Path were application data should be stored
gitea_appname String "Gitea: Git with a cup of tea" Title of application webpage
gitea_runmode String "prod" Either "prod" or "dev", for debugging purposes
gitea_domain String "gitea.{{ charjabox_domain }}" Domain used to access the application
gitea_disable_ssh Boolean false Enable/Disable SSH access to the application
gitea_disable_registrations Boolean false Enable/Disable registrations
gitea_require_signin Boolean false Require signin to access public resources
gitea_traefik_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable access to application via Traefik
gitea_http_port Int 3000 Port used to access the application
gitea_ssh_port Int 222 Port used to access SSH