
Bitwarden_rs - Password manager compatible with Bitwarden apps

Enable/Disable registrations

To disable open registrations and/or invites set bitwarden_rs_signups_allowed and/or bitwarden_rs_invites_allowed to false. Disabling signups does not automatically disable invites.

Admin interface

To enable the Admin webinterface, set bitwarden_rs_admintoken to a secure password. When this is set you access the admin interface at /admin.

Websocket notifications

To enable WebSockets notifications, an external reverse proxy is necessary, and it must be configured to do the following: - Route the /notifications/hub endpoint to the WebSocket server, by default at port 3012, making sure to pass the Connection and Upgrade headers. (Note the port can be changed with WEBSOCKET_PORT variable) - Route everything else, including /notifications/hub/negotiate, to the standard Rocket server, by default at port 9001.

Then you need to enable WebSockets negotiation on the bitwarden_rs side by setting the bitwarden_rs_websocket_enabled variable to true.

More information here


To activate the e-mail functionality of bitwarden_rs you need to configure an smtp server connection.

First, set bitwarden_rs_smtp_enabled to true, then configure the following variables, according to your existing smtp server:

bitwarden_rs_smtp_host: ""
bitwarden_rs_smtp_from: ""
bitwarden_rs_smtp_port: ""
bitwarden_rs_smtp_ssl: true
bitwarden_rs_smtp_username: ""
bitwarden_rs_smtp_password: ""

More information here.

Yubikey OTP authentication

To enable YubiKey authentication, you must set the variables bitwarden_rs_yubikey_server, bitwarden_rs_yubikey_id and bitwarden_rs_yubikey_key to a valid configuration, then enable it by setting bitwarden_rs_yubikey_enabled: true

More information here


Variable Type Default Comment
bitwarden_rs_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable the application
bitwarden_rs_tag String "latest" Tag to use for the docker image String "{{ docker_home }}/bitwarden_rs/data" Path were application data should be stored
bitwarden_rs_signups_allowed Boolean true Enable/Disable open account creation
bitwarden_rs_invites_allowed Boolean true Enable/Disable account creation via invites
bitwarden_rs_admintoken String "" Password for admin interface. If left blank the interface is disabled.
bitwarden_rs_websocket_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable Websocket
bitwarden_rs_yubikey_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable Yubikey OTP authentication
bitwarden_rs_yubikey_server String "" The server to use for Yubikey OTP authentication
bitwarden_rs_yubikey_id String "" The ID to use on the Yubikey server
bitwarden_rs_yubikey_key String "" The secret key for the Yubikey ID
bitwarden_rs_smtp_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable sending of mails via smtp
bitwarden_rs_smtp_host String "" SMTP Host to use for sending mail
bitwarden_rs_smtp_from String "" SMTP ´from:´ header
bitwarden_rs_smtp_port String "" SMTP Port to connect to
bitwarden_rs_smtp_ssl Boolean true Enable/Disable SSL connections to SMTP Host
bitwarden_rs_smtp_username String "" Username to authenticate with the SMTP Host
bitwarden_rs_smtp_password String "" Password to authenticate with the SMTP Host
bitwarden_rs_traefik_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable access to application via Traefik
bitwarden_rs_domain String "bitwarden.{{ charjabox_domain }}" Domain used to access the application
bitwarden_rs_http_port Int 9001 Port used to access the application
bitwarden_rs_websocket_port Int 3012 Port used for Websocket