General - All-in-one selfhosted E-Mail solution

After enabling, go to the webinterface and set up your admin account.

Correct DNS records are very important for email to work, please see this part of the documentation for help with that.

If you want to run behind a reverse proxy (like Traefik), you'll need to set posteio_https: "OFF", this is case sensitive.


Variable Type Default Comment
posteio_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable the application
posteio_tag String "latest" Tag to use for the docker image String "{{ docker_home }}/posteio/data" Path were application data should be stored
posteio_https String "ON" Enable/Disable HTTP2HTTPS redirect. Can be "ON" or "OFF", case sensitive
posteio_disableweb String "false" Enable/Disable Roundcube Webmail
posteio_disableclamav String "false" Enable/Disable ClamAV
posteio_traefik_enabled Boolean false Enable/Disable access to application via Traefik
posteio_domain String "posteio.{{ charjabox_domain }}" Domain used to access the application
posteio_smtp_port Int 25 SMTP Port
posteio_http_port Int 8183 HTTP Port
posteio_pop3_port Int 110 POP3 Port
posteio_imap_port Int 143 IMAP Port
posteio_https_port Int 8184 HTTPS Port
posteio_smtps_port Int 465 SMTPS Port
posteio_msa_port Int 587 MSA Port
posteio_imaps_port Int 993 IMAPS Port
posteio_pop3s_port Int 995 POP3S Port
posteio_sieve_port Int 4190 Sieve Port